Why You Need to Be You

Fateh Ali Aamir
4 min readMay 26, 2021

If you’ve ever laughed at the joke that wasn’t funny, you weren’t being your authentic self. If you’ve ever pretended to like something just because this certain person does, you’re lying to them and yourself. And if you’ve ever hidden your scars, covered your flaws, you’re not being yourself. Be yourself, through and through, because the only person at loss otherwise will be you and only you.

You Can Be Hated Regardless

You can be hated either way. If you are being real or not. Because the observer will only see your objective self and there are people out there who can hate for a small part of you, be it authentic or inauthentic. But the main point is that if you’re afraid that you’ll be disliked for who you are, maybe you’re just in the wrong company. Of course, I’m not saying that you’re perfect. If you have certain hurtful qualities, then you need to change them, but if someone is just picking on you for no reason, you should know that you’re not in the right company. Don’t be afraid of being hated, be afraid of being fake.

You Cannot Die With a Mask On

Imagine being on your deathbed and realising you never did what you wanted, you never said what needed to be said, you never became the person you were supposed to be. Some people go through their whole life pretending. Pretending to be someone else, someone happy or someone fulfilled and only at the end do they realise that it wasn’t real. That’s a sad, desolate feeling and you don’t want that. When you die, everyone should know who you were so they can forgive your shortcomings and glorify your goodwill. That will be your last favour to your dying self.

You Deserve to Be Shared

You’re precious and that’s why not everyone will appreciate you. You will find good people in life and you need to keep them close. Share yourself with them because that’s what caring is, a reciprocal action. When you share yourself with others, they share back. And that’s how parts of us reside and others and parts of others reside in us. You don’t want to go through life and with just your own self looking at back you, you can house others within you so they can give you the courage that you can’t.

Be Sincere With Yourself

You need to embrace your imperfections. If your teeth aren’t perfect, smile harder. If your ears are protruding, listen more. If your neck’s long, stand taller. And you need to be sincere, don’t lie to yourself. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you’re just as good as anybody. Your exterior doesn’t mean anything as long as you’re good at heart. Learn to love yourself because you’re the only one that’s with you all the time. You are your own best friend.

Take the World Head-On

And finally, don’t back down. Don’t stop; take the world head-on, be confident and be ambitious. The world isn’t a charity and it’s not looking out for you; it’s the survival of the fittest. Don’t take anything for granted. Hone your differences and be unique. Don’t be afraid to be prominent in the crowd. Take the spotlight if you have to and do what’s needed to be done. Stand for good and follow your dreams. Do what you love and do it proudly.



Fateh Ali Aamir

23. A programmer by profession. A writer by passion.